About Typhoid Fever

Typhoid fever is spread through the bacteria Salmonella typhi, otherwise known as S. Typhi, which is transmitted through food and water. The bacteria ends up in your blood stream, where it branches out to the lymph nodes, liver and spleen, among other organs. Typhoid fever typically has low occurances in the United States, but those occurances are brought from overseas, and typhoid fever occurrences are highest in individuals between ages 5-19. Typhoid fever has resulted in around 216,000 deaths annually, which is enough for the World Health Organization to declare it a serious health problem and work harder to find even more successful typhoid fever treatment.


Symptoms of typhoid fever include abdominal tenderness, fever, delirium, hallucinations and an overall feeling of unwell. One symptom specific to typhoid fever is a rash, often called rose spots, on the stomach and abdomen. However, many symptoms of typhoid fever can present like flu symptoms, so if you have been to a high risk area, it is important to see a travel doctor in New York, or anywhere else to be tested. An area that is at a high risk for typhoid fever includes any area with little or poor sanitation methods.

Diagnosis and Typhoid Treatment

Typhoid fever can be diagnosed through a number of different tests. Blood tests, stool cultures, and platelet counts are among those tests. Typhoid fever treatment is a lot of rehydrating. Fluids and elecrolytes can be given and antibiotics can be given to kill any bacteria. Doctors and scientists are always trying to find new medication for typhoid fever treatment because new strains of typhoid fever are becoming resistant to the medication. These strains are known as multidrug-resistant typhoid fever.

Typhoid Prevention

Visiting a travel clinic in New York could verify any symptoms you have as typhoid fever. A travel clinic in New York can also give you a typhoid vaccine and documentation of that vaccine, which is necessary to enter certain countries. A travel doctor in New York will also provide you with a complete work up to help you be travel smart. Typhoid fever is spread through unclean food and water, so being aware of what you eat and drink will help to prevent the spread of typhoid fever. The primary way to prevent the contractiona and spread of typhoid fever is to get the typhoid vaccine.